Dig1t Games is a company that has grown out of a desire to enthuse children about Mathematics and…
… to provide Primary School teachers with a comprehensive resource that covers all the number targets in year groups 1 to 6..
We centre our resources on game-playing to take advantage of children’s natural affinity for play.
About Dig1t

There are 409 games covering each of the Number targets in the National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6.
The games are printed on 250gsm card for durability and…
… are available in individual year-packs, key stage 1 and 2 packs, and as a complete set (Years 1 to 6).
About the games

Allow the children to use visual aids when playing.
Limit the number cards that can be used.
Play more or fewer rounds than suggested.
Adapt the aim of the games to make them easier or more difficult to achieve.
Set the challenge that accompanies each game to children who have a good understanding of the topic being taught.
The final two columns in each year group index list easier and more challenging versions for many of the games.
Differentiating the games

All the games have instructions on how to play – so you can hand out a game to the class and let the children work it out for themselves, asking for your help as they need it.
Play a game with the whole class using a visualiser, then let the children play on their own.
Use the games during interventions.
Ask children with differing abilities to play together.
Every game has a challenge that can be used as a whole-class activity.
Ask the class to discuss strategies for winning.